New opportunities
NaviFon is the leading provider of innovative GPS navigation services on Russian market – so called “off-board navigation” for almost any mobile devices. Practically NaviFon works on any modern mobile phone with support of JAVA platform. By entering your destination (Street address, City, Category...) into the application, you can start navigation process in few seconds. So here is the structure of what will happen after you enter your destination point - through the mobile network (GPRS Internet) your mobile phone connects to the Internet in order to send the GPS information, as well as your destination, to the NaviFon server.
Nowadays, NaviFon’s program uses maps of the world leader in the field of cartographies - NAVTEQ. Company NAVTEQ successfully entered on Russian market of the cartographies... more
There is no need to install on the phone "heavy" software, which occupies lots of memory of your mobile phone. For installing NaviFon it is necessary only up to 1MB free-memory, the whole rest information NaviFon will get from GPRS-channel (GPRS data that is downloaded over your mobile phone Operator is very small – in “heavy navigation” modes when you drive thousands of kilometers per month the most traffic won’t be more than 8MB per month)... more
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